your holistic therapist

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sanacion holistica
Sanación Holística futurista
Flores de Bach
terapia de Chikung Healing
terapia craneosacral
terapeuta en sesión de EFT
Eh Ua (chamanismo)
Constelaciones Familiares
terapia LNT
Terapia Psych-K
terapia reiki
terapia siatsu
Terapia de sonido
Tai Chi Chuan
sanacion holistica
Holistic Healing

Holistic healing is a treatment approach that considers the whole person: body, mind and spirit. It seeks to identify and treat the root of imbalances, not just the symptoms. Promotes balance and comprehensive well-being.

sanacion holistica_futurista

Misnamed alternative therapies, since they are actually complementary therapies, improve the immune system, reduce stress and provide vitality and mental serenity when used daily as preventive medicine.
As corrective medicine, they help traditional medicine to improve the patient and reduce the side effects of medications.


It is a traditional Chinese medicine practice in which fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body. It is used to relieve pain, promote relaxation and treat various health conditions, based on improving the flow of vital energy (qi).


Uses essential oils extracted from plants to improve physical and emotional well-being. It can be applied through inhalation, massage or adding to the bath, promoting relaxation, relieving stress and helping in the treatment of various health conditions by stimulating the senses.


It is a traditional Indian medicine system that emphasizes the balance between body, mind and spirit. It uses diet, herbal medicine, exercise, meditation and purification therapies to promote health and prevent disease, based on the unique constitution (dosha) of each individual.

Flores de Bach
Bach flowers

It uses 38 selected natural flower essences to treat a wide range of emotional and mental problems, such as stress, anxiety and depression. Created by Dr. Edward Bach, this holistic therapy seeks to restore the emotional balance of the individual, promoting healing and well-being.

ChiKung Healing
Chikung Healing

It is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that combines gentle movements, breathing techniques and meditation to cultivate and balance Qi (life energy). It focuses on promoting health, relaxation and healing by improving the flow of energy in the body.


It is a manual therapy focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Chiropractors use spinal adjustments and manipulations to relieve pain, improve function, and support the body’s natural healing ability.


It is a gentle therapy that manipulates the membranes and fluid of the craniosacral system to relieve pain and deep tension, improving the health and functioning of the body. It focuses on the skull, spine and sacrum, seeking to harmonize the cranial rhythm.

EFT (Tapping)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a therapeutic method of energy psychology that combines elements of acupuncture and psychology. It consists of gently hitting certain meridian points on the body while the patient focuses on specific emotions or problems, facilitating emotional release and healing.

Eh Ua (chamanismo)
Eh Ua (shamanism)

Healing technique based on the transmission of energy through a pulse maintained after the alignment of the therapist’s energy centers and the opening of the energy field that surrounds the patient.

Constelaciones Familiares
Family Constellations

It is a therapy with a therapeutic approach that explores unconscious dynamics and patterns in family systems. Facilitated in groups, it uses representatives to embody members of the client’s family, revealing and resolving emotional blocks and tensions, seeking reconciliation and generational healing.


The Schwiderski Method (LNT, the new therapy) is a quantum therapy that bases healing on energy transmission along three axes:
patient-therapist-Source, Source-therapist-patient, therapist-Source-patient
to heal energy blockages in the physical, emotional and spiritual body.


Use natural therapies such as phytotherapy, nutrition, exercise, and relaxation techniques. It seeks to treat the underlying cause of diseases, considering the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the individual.


It is a non-invasive manual therapy that focuses on strengthening connections and harmony between all parts of the body. Through muscle and joint manipulations, it seeks to relieve pain, improve mobility and promote general health, treating the body as an interconnected whole.


It is a method aimed at changing subconscious beliefs that influence the perception of life and personal well-being. It uses brain integration techniques to reprogram limiting beliefs, promoting a positive attitude, reducing stress and achieving personal and professional goals.


It is a therapy that involves the application of pressure on specific points on the feet, hands or ears, considered to reflect different organs and systems of the body. It is based on the energetic connection of these areas with the internal organs, promoting healing, relaxation and balance in the body.


It is based on the channeling of universal vital energy by the therapist who acts as a channel and through the imposition of hands of the practitioner on or near the body of the recipient activates the natural healing process of the body and restores physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. of the patient.


From the activation of the therapist’s energy body, the layer of the patient’s energy body is opened and the densities that energetically block the internal organs, muscles, bones or nerves are extracted and healing energy is provided to the patient.


It is a Japanese massage technique that is performed by applying pressure with the fingers, especially the thumbs, to specific points on the body. This practice seeks to restore the flow of vital energy (qi) and promote balance and well-being.

Terapia de sonido
Sound therapy

It uses musical vibrations, such as those from singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs and other instruments, to promote health and well-being. It is based on the premise that sound can influence our physiological, emotional and energetic processes, facilitating states of deep relaxation, reducing stress and improving mental and emotional balance.


It is a synthesis of several medicines that work with the Auna energy and is nourished by the principles of: traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda (Indian medicine), homeopathy, neural therapy, the ancestral medicines of our native peoples, bioenergetics and allopathic medicine together with modern science.

Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Chuan

It is a Chinese martial art of soft and fluid movements that generates health, vitality, longevity, serenity and energetic charge of the body. Practiced as a form of moving meditation, it improves flexibility, strength, balance and mental calm. It focuses on the circulation of vital energy (qi) to promote harmony of body and mind.


Yoga is an ancient practice originating in India that combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation and ethical principles. It seeks balance and union of the body, mind and spirit, promoting health, flexibility, strength and inner peace. It is a versatile discipline that adapts to various needs and skill levels, focusing on personal development and comprehensive well-being.

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